Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Veterans Memorial Bridge

Fargo, North Dakota
photos taken: 31/07/2009

Friday, July 26, 2019:  The 8-foot high version of Lady Liberty mounted on a pedestal next to the entrance to the Veterans Memorial Bridge on Main Avenue was reported missing Monday. Mayor Tim Mahoney says a construction camera near the area that takes hourly photos indicates the theft took place sometime between midnight and 1 a.m Sunday. He calls the theft "disrespectful."

Mahoney says the 150-pound statue was bolted down so tools would have been required to steal it.

The Statue of Liberty was presented to the City of Fargo almost 70 years ago by the Lions Club and for years stood in Island Park before being moved to the bridge area in the late 1980's.
Info courtesy of KFGO website